Q: What is TB Compendium?
A: It's an unofficial Web App made to help players farming for stuff and looking for information; it includes:
- A lot of links to the official Wiki,
- The currently open Hunting Zones,
- The [World Map] Metal Zone opening schedules,
- A list of all the best stages where to farm for items and to recruit monsters,
- A list of all the events on their way (even those unannunced :) ),
- A list of all the past events (in case you are curious to know how long pass from 2 similar events),
- A sortable list of all the Characters, Items and Companions available,
- Information about the EXP needed by a Companion to level up and how its stats will increase,
- Much, much more.
The Compendium is under active development and, even if the Real Life is slowing me down (by a lot :S ) I can assure you that more functions are on their way ;-)
A: No! :D
The List of all the upcoming events is generated by looking at 2 different files: one (automatically) updated by looking at the unannunced events (that can only be viewed on TBc) and one generated from a Google Calendar I made and I update daily.
If you like, you can import this calendar on your Google account in order to see all the upcoming events anytime from any device (from https://calendar.google.com or by linking your Google account to your Microsoft/Apple services).
If you wish, you can also download the .ics file by clicking here.
All the events listed on this calendar are those officially annunced by Mistwalker and that can be viewed from here.
The 'Notification Feature' can also be used to get emailed every time a particular event comes back to Terra Battle; more about it below.
Q: What is the 'Hard Mode', and when is it available?
Every day, between 12AM (midnight) and 1AM first, and between 12PM (noon) and 1PM later (both under the [UTC+0] timezone), the difficulty of certain stages on Terra Battle rises and the rewards become more juicy; currently, the stages affected by this increased difficulty are the following:
- Stage 34-10 === links to the wiki: Stage, Boss
- The EXP reward for the boss doubles, from 400k to 800k;
- The boss drops the CoT-only companion Avengers with a 100% chance.
- Shin'en (post Chapter 34 optional Boss Fight) === links to the wiki: Stage, Boss
- The character Shin'en Λ will drop with a 100% chance. After the first time, the drop rate falls to 50%;
- One of the following companions will drop: Metal Minion Λ (chance 5/10), Glassy Minion Λ (chance 3/10), Golden Minion Λ (chance 2/10).
- Mutoh (post Chapter 34 optional Boss Fight) === links to the wiki: Stage, Boss
- The character Mutoh Λ will drop with a 100% chance. After the first time, the drop rate falls to 50%;
- One of the following companions will drop: Metal Minion Λ (chance 5/10), Glassy Minion Λ (chance 3/10), Golden Minion Λ (chance 2/10).
Note that before clearing chapter 35, the difficulty of both Shin'en and Mutoh Quests is set fixed to Hard Mode, so is not necessary to wait for the Hard Mode to be available in order to face their most powerful form (required to recruit them).
During the Hard Mode time-frame, you'll find the listed stages sparkling :3
Q: What do you mean by Notifications, and how do they work?
This "guide", as for this feature, is still a little ...unfinished.
Hey, I'm doing my best with the little time I have!
Notifications allows you to be alerted by email when a certain event triggers;
For this, I obviously need you to input your email address (you don't say?) and a password. The password is required only to prevent people that know your address to change your notification preferences (even if the passwords are well-encrypted, I suggest you to choose a different one from those your usually pick, just to be sure :) ).
After you typed them, you can choose to see your preferences, overwrite them and delete your account.
Unless you expressly asked to get notified again for a task you set, that task will be deleted from the database. An account without tasks associated gets automatically deleted.
Said this, here's the complete list of all the events that trigger a notification, and how often the Server checks if is needed to send one to the user:
Notify when my stamina reaches a certain value
All you have to do is to write down your current Stamina (no need to specify how many mins to the next +1) and the value that has to be reached before getting notified. By default, this value is [MAX STAMINA - 3].
Checks are done every 5 minutes;
Notify when something changes on Server
Right now you'll get notified.. well... every time something changes on the Server. This means that you'll receive a mail every time an event is added (that could happen before it's added to the Official Schedule, the day it is activated and on the weekly Eidolon rotation.
Checks are done once a day at 12:05 AM UTC (5 minutes after the "daily reset");
Notify on event start
Events are ordered by "categories"; the same categories you see under Events > History.
This means you don't have to choose between "Coin Creeps I" and "Coin Creeps III": every time a Coin Creeps event will be added you'll get notified.
Events are checked once per day, at 12:05 AM UTC (5 minutes after the "daily reset");
Note: Events are picked from the Google Calendar I made; if I pick a wrong date you might get notified anyway.
Notify when an Eidolon comes back in Arena
Self Explanatory; Eidolons (Artemis, Lamia, Phoenix / Chaos, Valkyrie, Raijin) alternate weekly.
I forgot to add a filter for days (alert me X days before they'll come back) as I did for the other events; after I quickly tried to add it and realized it doesn't work as expected for this kind of events (because of the way I implemented it), I decided to hide this filter for now.
Checks are done once a day at 12:05 AM UTC (5 minutes after the "daily reset");
Notify when a new Notice is published
Notice is the way I call an in-game annuncement (those you see - or skip - every time you log-in to Terra Battle).
Checks are done 3 times per hour;
Notify when the Hard Mode starts for certain stages (between 12 and 1 AM/PM)
I'm getting tired to write, you can read more about the Hard Mode here.
Check are done every 5 minutes (between 11:00 AM / 1:00 PM UTC, and 11:00 PM / 1:00 AM UTC)
Notify when the Weekly Challenge is almost over
Many, like me, wait until few days before the Weekly Challenge is over before clearing it... unfortunately, happens sometimes that people wait so much to miss it, and this means losing not 1, but 2 Energy (novices, acknowledge that many of us that play since the game came out don't have problems to reach top 5000 :) )
Remember that Weekly Challenges end on Monday at 11:00 PM, not at 12:00 AM!!
Checks are done once a day at 12:05 AM UTC (5 minutes after the "daily reset");
Notify when a [World Map] Metal Zone opens
As y'all know, Metal Zones are the best place where to get A LOT of EXP... (un)fortunately, Metal Zones on the World Map are not always open (you find the complete schedule on crape.org, TBS and TBc); more Metal Zones are unlocked by proceeding the story (click here for more information about).
Checks are done every 5 minutes;
Notify when a new 2x Daily Bonus takes effect
TBc already gives you an idea of when the best day for farming an item is (I mean... I made it for this!); now I give you a more powerful tool to know when this day comes ^-^
Again, I'm getting tired to write; checks are done every 5 minutes.
Currently known issues and stuff on my toDo list (related to the notification feature):
- When registering a reminder for an Item/Monster DD and don't check the option "Take into account the 'Timezone Trick'", if you are using an uncommon Timezone (like UTC+6:30, or UTC+8.45), that value is currently rounded up, so you will receive a reminder earlier than expected;
- Overriding your notification settings, in case you were already notified about an event you previously set, you might get notified again;
- The user is not alerted when he/she update his/her preferences;
- * Some alerts are sent with some delay; the notification for the Metal Zones and the Hard Mode for example is sent 1 hour after :S
* I'll work on this as soon as I can; if you are a TBF user watch this thread to get warned when the update will be released.