Here's some links you might find useful :)
- Terra Battle Wiki
- Terra Battle subReddit
- Terra Battle Forum (sign up, you won't regret it ;-) )
- Terra Battle Stats, a very useful Web-App to track your progress
- [Wiki] List of the currently known issues and how to solve them
- [TBF] Terra Battle "synthetic" Changelog
- [Wiki] Terra Battle detailed Changelog
- [Wiki] List of ways to acquire Energy
- [Wiki] List of all the best areas to grind your units
- [Wiki] Skill Boost Farming tips
- [Wiki] Daily Bonus
- [Wiki] Metal Zone
- [Wiki] Treasure Hunter Ability
- [Wiki] Negotiator Ability
- [Wiki] List of all the Adventurers available
- [Wiki] List of all the Monsters available
- [Wiki] Recently edited entries on the Wiki
- [Wiki] Recently added pages on the Wiki
- [Wiki] List of all (most of) the unreleased content
- [TBF] TB Compendium thread on TBF (with changelogs 'n stuff)